Extroversion (E)
Introversion (I)

Sensing (S)
iNtuition (N)

Thinking (T)
Feeling (F)

Judgment (J)
Perception (P)

The first criterion, Extraversion – Introversion, signifies the source and direction of a person’s energy expression. An extravert’s source and direction of energy expression is mainly in the external world, while an introvert has a source of energy mainly in their own internal world.

The second criterion, Sensing – Intuition, represents the method by which someone perceives information. Sensing means that a person mainly believes information he or she receives directly from the external world. Intuition means that a person believes mainly information he or she receives from the internal or imaginative world.

The third criterion, Thinking – Feeling, represents how a person processes information. Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he or she makes a decision based on emotion, i.e. based on what they feel they should do.

The fourth criterion, Judging – Perceiving, reflects how a person implements the information he or she has processed. Judging means that a person organizes all of his life events and, as a rule, sticks to his plans. Perceiving means that he or she is inclined to improvise and explore alternative options.

Find your four letter type…


ISTJs are sensible and reliable, and pay attention to detail.

ISTJs are typically thorough, conscientious, realistic but also systematic and reserved.

Dependable and systematic, ISTJ types enjoy working within clear systems and processes. They tend to be traditional, task-oriented and decisive.


ISFJs are considerate and kind individuals with a strong sense of commitment to others.

ISFJs are organised, practical and patient, but also dependable and loyal. Furthermore ISFJs are patient and understanding.

ISFJs are patient individuals who apply common sense and experience to solving problems for other people. They are responsible, loyal and traditional, enjoying serving the needs of others and providing practical help.


INFJ types are compassionate and quietly inspiring; they enjoy helping others grow and develop.

INFJs are typically compassionate, idealistic as well as imaginative and visionary. They are also sensitive and reserved.

INFJ people enjoy finding a shared vision for everyone, inspiring others and devising new ways to achieve the vision.


An INTJ personality thinks strategically and sees the big picture.

INTJ people are often able to define a compelling, long-range vision, and can devise innovative solutions to complex problems.

INTJs are typically strategic and conceptual as well as innovative, independent and logical. They can also be demanding and but reflective.


ISTP personality types are calm, efficient and productive, and are open to new opportunitie

ISTPs are typically analytical, practical, realistic but also logical and adaptable.

ISTPs tend to enjoy learning and perfecting a craft through their patient application of skills. They can remain calm while managing a crisis, quickly deciding what needs to be done to solve the problem.


ISFP personality types are sensitive, gentle and attentive to the needs of those around them.

SFPs are typically cooperative, modest and adaptable and also gentle and loyal.

ISFPs enjoy providing practical help or service to others, as well as bringing people together and facilitating and encouraging their cooperation.


INFP personality types seek to live in accordance with their inner core of values, and have insight into what is really important to others.

INFPs are typically flexible, spontaneous as well as reflective and contained. They are also imaginative and developmental.

INFP people enjoy devising creative solutions to problems, making moral commitments to what they believe in. They enjoy helping others with their growth and inner development to reach their full potential.


INTP personality types are logical, analytical and adaptable, with the ability to respond to new opportunities as they come along.

INTPs are typically independent and detached, who also tends to be challenging and logical as well as sceptical and innovative.

INTP people think strategically and are able to build conceptual models to understand complex problems. They tend to adopt a detached and concise way of analysing the world, and often uncover new or innovative approaches.


ESTP personality types are energetic, enthusiastic and easily adaptable, and like to make work fun.

ESTPs are typically analytical, outgoing and enthusiastic as well as logical and they tend to be observant and resourceful.

ESTPs motivate others by bringing energy into situations. They apply common sense and experience to problems, quickly analysing what is wrong and then fixing it, often in an inventive or resourceful way.


ESFP personality types are entertaining, easy-going, sociable people, who like to put others at ease.

ESFPs are typically tolerant and spontaneous as well as playful and resourceful. They also tend to be friendly and enthusiastic.

ESFP people tend to be adaptable, friendly, and talkative. They enjoy life and being around people. This personality type enjoys working with others and experiencing new situations.


ENFP personality types are energetic and motivational.

ENFPs are typically friendly and expressive as well as innovative and energetic.

Moving quickly from one project to another, ENFPs are willing to consider almost any possibility and often develop multiple solutions to a problem. Their energy is stimulated by new people and experiences.


ENTP personality types are strategic, adaptable, energetic and enthusiastic.

ENTPs are typically emergent, theoretical and flexible as well as imaginative and challenging.

ENTPs solve problems creatively and are often innovative in their way of thinking, seeing connections and patterns within a system. They enjoy developing strategy and often spot and capitalise on new opportunities that present themselves.


ESTJ personality types are analytical, goal-oriented, decisive and organized.

ESTJs are typically responsible and efficient but they can also be assertive as well as logical and realistic.

ESTJs drive themselves to reach their goal, organising people and resources in order to achieve it. They have an extensive network of contacts and are willing to make tough decisions when necessary. They tend to value competence highly.


ESFJ personality types are conscientious team players who interact closely with others, enjoy a sense of belonging and apply common sense to problems.

ESFJs are typically warm and appreciative as well as organised, outgoing and supportive. They are also realistic and loyal.

ESFJs tend to be sociable and outgoing, understanding what others need and expressing appreciation for their contributions. They collect the necessary facts to help them make a decision and enjoy setting up effective procedures.


ENFJ personality types are caring, inspiring, motivational and empathetic.

ENFJs are typically warm, collaborative and supportive, as well as friendly and organised. They also tend to be persuasive.

ENFJs are able to get the most out of teams by working closely with them, and make decisions that respect and take into account the values of others. They tend to be adept at building consensus and inspiring others as leaders.


ENTJ personality types are driven, organised, decisive natural leaders.

ENTJs are typically structured and challenging, they also tend to be strategic and questioning.

ENTJs see the big picture and think strategically about the future. They are able to efficiently organise people and resources in order to accomplish long-term goals, and tend to be comfortable with taking strong leadership over others.

The above personality type descriptions are based on the Myers-Briggs® Step I personality assessment definitions.